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About Us

In 2008 when we started racing and this is where we starting pushing the limits...


Crash Bobbins


We searched the market and not only did we find no locally made crash bobbins available to the public, but we found a huge gap in the market for good crash bobbins that work. We did find many cheap knock off products, manufactured at a much lower cost, with the wrong materials, poorly designed, that look the part, but simply don’t perform when needed.


After a few years of perfecting our design and materials, we started selling our product to motorcycle workshops and accessory companies. For the next years we worked on bolts, spacers, washers and bushes and developing kits for most sport bikes.


We keep in touch with as many of our clients as possible and after 11 years of manufacturing crash bobbins and thousands of sets sold, we don’t know of a single incident that our crash bobbin did not perform perfectly.


With this taken into account , considering our design and the materials use; we can honestly say that there are no crash bobbins available in the world, that are better than ours.


We will never stop improving and refining our products and adding to our range 


Electronic Tuning


Over the past 10 years, we have seen electronics increase in motorbikes.


It is truly amazing what can be done with electronics.  

 - Removing restrictions from E.C.M.'s, when converting road bikes to race bikes and unleashing all of their potential

 - With fueling modules Fueling and Ignition Timing can be easily and quickly fine tuned.

 - The addition of rider aids like ABS, Traction Control, Launch Control, Wheelie Control, Electronically adjustable     

    suspension and even dashboard displays.

 - Because of the abilities of electronics, manufacturers are not restricting engines mechanically as much as the past,

    making engine modifications less necessary


This is bringing rise to the age of the electronic tuner!


Tuning is not just about making the most power possible, its much much more.


Fine Tuning the Power and Torque bands, Reducing Fuel consumption, Helping the engine to run easier and more reliably, Removing power in certain places and Increasing power in other places to get as much power usable power to the ground as is possible in any condition - I say again -  "peak power at wide open throttle means nothing!"





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